Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Outline for my next writing

Nutrition; good nutrition.

Topic:   It is important to get good nutrition.

-Eat properly          
           Right food

-Protect your Body
             Nice lotions

In conclusion, everybody can do their best at their on time and paste....

P.S.  Question Ms Liz; To get or to have good nutrition?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Luisa - This is a good start to thinking about nutrition, but I think this topic might actually be a bit too broad to work with. (I think "have" is best, usually.) But we often say, everyone should eat nutritious food.
    I think exercise and lotions are a different from nutrition. Some people might argue that supplements are not natural. Maybe you mean everyone should have a healthy lifestyle?
    We will be working on this tomorrow; be thinking about more specific examples for your argument.
