Friday, October 29, 2010

This is my letter for a immigrant.

Dear Immigrant,

We all immigrants always  need to look  for the positive side of any issue we come up with. As an immigrants, there are so many wonderful things to learn, and you will realize later on time how much you can learn from leaving here, and  the stronger person  you get to be. We also encounter some barriers or difficulties that may slow us down in our progress of learning this new life and culture. However, there is only one way to overcome anything; always look up, follow and keep what is helping you. We all immigrants share the same felling of strangeness, and at same time, feel like helping anyone in need. I recommend  to come to any of us already familiar with rules and more. Please not hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it, there will be always someone to help you with your needs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


In my experience immigrants help each other whenever we can.
I believe as an immigrant that most of us share the same feelings of feeling out of place during those first days, or months before we settle down in this country. I believe that we immigrants receive help from other immigrants, but also help as soon as we have a chance. I can say that I had a lot help myself as an immigrant and most of it from other immigrants. I always ask God to bless this friend of mine who help me with it which also helped to keep my job. Most of us come here and do not have a job, and have idea how the system works to apply for one. Since the language is a big barrier also we feel so frustrated and hopeless. I remember those times when I was afraid to get out the house and go  somewhere because of the feeling of getting lost. For these, and a lot more, I always got a friend to help me. 
I remember having them driving me to work when did not have a car, because I did not know how to drive. This is something that I will never forget.  In the same way I have received help; I also have helped another when they have been in need or they have asked. I remember a day when I was very short on time for a job appointment; I was coming out a store when a woman with two kids, who I never met before ask me for a ride home. It was about to rain and starting to heal. Even though, I had not job at the time, I cold not say no to her. I drove her over to her place, believing that God always arranges time and place for everything. “What goes around, comes around”; I truly believe this saying.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Movie Review

My movie review: SALT
There are different kind of movies. The movies that are more romantic,and comic are the ones that I preferred myself. However,once in a while I watched something different to my standard like. For example; last time I saw this movie named Salt. This writer has an extraordinary way of show us how amazing would be the use of thinking ahead, gift that according to the movie this girl has. This girl and the rest of her partners have been very well trained by this man who has an impressive mental power to make them all no only to follow his teachings, but also to select the right people that even when he has destroyed their families, they kept loyal to him. The writer in this movie, also show us how strong we can make our bodies as well as  developing the skill to do things faster than anybody else around, also mastering our mind on to focus only in one project. These two qualities will take a person to perform and achieve their goal.